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Moorestown True Crime Story: Annie McCormick's "Restless Ghosts" In-Person
For adults.
Registration is required.
Lovers of true crime drama will not want to miss the next talk in the Historical Society of Moorestown's “New Jersey History Speaks” Lecture Series. Annie McCormick, news reporter on ABC’s Philadelphia affiliate Channel 6, will discuss her latest book “Restless Ghosts”. In 1929 famed Burlington County Detective and the man referred to as the American Sherlock Holmes, Ellis Parker was called to Moorestown to solve what he believed was the murder-suicide of a young couple.
However, his investigation was shrouded in controversy over whether money and privilege influenced his findings. Rumors swirled that the couple was murdered. A childhood friend of the couple is heard at speakeasies implying he knew who did it. Nearly four years later that young man is found shot to death and Parker is once again assigned the case. While Parker investigates the newest killing the 1929 case is re-opened. Will Parker be able to give the families closure or will the victims remain Restless Ghosts?