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POSTPONED Imagine a Future of Living in Space: A Short Tour of Our Solar System
The program has been postponed to Saturday, September 28 at 11:30AM.
This talk covers a sample of destinations in our Solar System, including planets, dwarf planets, & asteroids. We'll talk about some current human-made space stations and ideas for the next few decades and beyond. We will also cover ways for people of all ages to be involved in creating a positive future for all of humanity--via education, volunteering or otherwise. This session is intended to be interactive: there will be plenty of time for questions & answers.
This program is open to all ages but most accessible to middle school ages & up.
Eric Harkleroad, NSS Space Ambassador – NSS
Presenter Eric Harkleroad has served as a Space Ambassador for several years. He works in the aerospace industry as a systems engineer. Eric previously served as a crew member for a two-week rotation at the Mars Society’s Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS). Eric holds a Master of Engineering in Mechanical & Aerospace and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics.
This talk is supported by the non-profit National Space Society & its Space Ambassadors outreach program: